Life is...all the emotions, all the people you meet, all your regrets and all your dreams come true. This is my life is...well, my life's not boring. It's my experiences and the people that I come into contact with that make my life not boring. Enjoy!
"People say that what we're all seeking is a meaning in life. I don't think that's what we're really seeking. I think that what we're seeking is an experience in being alive..." ~Joseph Campbell

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Two months in the making (part 1)

Well it has really been a long time since I have written anything but so much has been going on in my life in the past two months that it was just impossible at any point to write the stories of my life to their completion. Some have passed, some are still developing. At any rate, since I know two months worth of stories is too much for one long entry (I don't think my fingers or your attention can hold out for so long), I've decided I'll write about a few things, allude to others, and leave some for next time...

1. Silvester (New Years)
2. Schloßfete
3. Dustin leaves
4. Christliche Dienst and the future of translation
5. The end...of the semester

1. Silvester
We left our story off the night before Silvester (New Years). I said I'd really like to go to Berlin to ring in the new year at the Brandenburg Gate, but I realized how impossible for many reasons that was. So I stayed here in Marburg. And I'm glad I did.

Chillin auf M3 bevor das neue Jahr

We hung out on M3 (third floor lobby) with different folks, drank some wine and other stuff, had some Fondu. Was really nice. The parking lot to the castle was really packed as 12 approached. Once the clock heralded in the new year, a barrage of fireworks ignited all over the city, illuminating the city under the lights of various colorful explosions. We hugged, had a glass of Sekt and toasted to the new year from the castle balcony.

Frohes Neues Jahr!

A few of Christian's friends wanted to go out, as well as people from the house (me included), so we went to a club, which upon our arrival was overrun with students in and outside on the street, which was littered everywhere with discarded firecrackers or bottlerockets. It was awesome! Well after hours of dancing at 2 different clubs, the night drew to a close for me somewhere around 5 or 6. I was beat, but it was incredibly fun.

2. Schloßfete
I promise that in between these events I AM doing school work. Promise. :) Anyway, not much longer after Silvester was one of the biggest parties in Marburg, right here at the house, known as the Schloßfete (castle party). Being a part of the house means participating in the things of the house and helping when possible. As you can imagine, it takes a lot of help and preparation to pull off a party at the magnitude of which ours is. So, being nominated by one of the persons in the house, with the help of Dustin, one of the other Americans here, we were deemed the DJs for the rock floor. And both of us being avid rock music lovers and just all-around good time havers, we were thrilled. We had heard that last year the music hadn't worked out very well. Thus, I was personally determined to make this one of the best.

before the storm 1...
Dustin vorbereitet

For months, we both prepared, along with others in the house to make this an excellent party. And that it was indeed...

So hot in here!

I got to do music for the last half of the night, which was a real treat. Those of you who've been to clubs know that then is the time when people start to dance, when the clock rounds 11 12 o'clock. And unlike last year, where people just stood around and didn't dance, clogging the hallways and not allowing more to come in, the room was full, people rocking out and enjoying themselves. I had many people come up to me afterwards, thanking me, saying it was awesome, so much better than last year, etc. Fish, one of the guys here in the house, told me it was a great turnout. because more people danced, they were able to let more people in. The house does this party every semester, and I can already tell you, people are expecting me to do it then, and I am gladly looking forward to it. And if things work out after my year abroad is over, it might not be the last time I am present at this party...

3. Dustin leaves
Whether it was great timing or just fate, Dustin was one of my best friends here. often he I and Christian would hang out, go party, sorta like a Charlie's Angels thing or something. Whenever we were together, we almost always had a great time. In fact, he was the first person I met here at the castle and over the semester, we formed a great friendship. It was a pleasure to DJ beside him at his last party (well at least his biggest one, not including the one that happened the following Monday :) ). But alas, all good things end and it was time for him to fly back to Cali. And being the good people of the house that we are, we we all stayed up the whole night (I fell asleep) until we took him to the airport at some ungodly early hour. There were maybe 5 or so people there. It was a little somber, and I knew like every one else, that he didn't want to go. because he'd made such an amazing life here and wasn't looking forward to going back home. But nonetheless, he had to. We miss here. Not the same and since he's been home, he's been so busy, unable to jump online for a quick chat. Wasn't until a few days ago we were able to talk. But he's doing well, stayin busy with school and working, saving up money for a summer road trip he's going to take with a friend of his, Christian and Fish. I hope to catch them on their way through Chicago. Should be a great. Dustin, you're a good guy and I'm glad I got to know ya!

4. Christliche Dienst and the future of translation
Well the last time, I said I was going to do this Christliche Dienst, where I would spend something like 3 weeks in some small remote town translating applications. I know this would be a great opportunity and a great praxis for what I hope will be my career someday. Well, I had had some initial hesitations about it, for reasons that it would take away a lot of vacation time, when I was hoping to travel. But I signed up any way. Well it came to me about 3 weeks or so before I was to go, I realized this wasn't something I wanted to do. Despite that being a disappointment for those involved, I am more certain that translation is indeed the career I want to pursue. For some that sounds boring, but I really don't see it that way. In fact, without them, you might not be able to enjoy some great works of literature or be able to understand each other. I am glad to finally have some career direction in my life, and something I feel like I could actively pursue. But I have one problem. After this year, I am finished with school, graduated, and by the government's outlook, ready to pay back my loans 6 months afterwards. To this point, I've only had 2 years in college German and what I've learned here, which has been a lot. But I feel I need more time learning the language, something I know will take a few more years. And I also know that possibly the only way to really accelerate my learning is to live here longer. So that is at the moment my consideration. Since we are now on break, I will be looking for an english teacher job somewhere hopefully here in Marburg, but will also look in surrounding cities such as Gießen or Frankfurt. There are always jobs for native speakers, Im told, and I've caught wind there is possibly a position that will be open here in Marburg next year. By obtaining a job where I can pay my rent, food and other amentities, and monthly loan repayment, and hopefully have some left over, I will be coming back here to Marburg. My plan is to have something set up before I go home in July. I will get everything set up with my loan things, and work until I get enough money to buy a ticket back, as well as some collateral money, just until I start getting money from my job here. I know for many of you this is saddening news, but it shouldn't be at all. This is my life, and I have to pursue it the best way I see fit. Yes this would mean we won't be able to see each other as often as we once could, but life is a changing fluid thing, not something that stands still. I'm grown up and this is something I feel I want to do with my life. I know I already have something like 100 dollars waiting back home, which will help me with that ticket, so hopefully the rest will come fast (and that it won't be super expensive, although I fear it's going to be). Coming back here is actually not motivated solely because I want to learn more German. There is something else...

5. The end...of the semester
Well it's the end of semester. Looking back I easily notice the progress I've made and that thrills me to no end. Fear of doing certain things is gone, listening to conversations and being a part of them is no longer as difficult as once before, and I finally feel like I am more a part of the house, through the things I've participated in and the relationships I've built since being here. Sad to think it is almost over, but with the prospect of a soon return, it's not quite as sad. The coming semester will be a little bit more difficult, taking more classes and increasing my workload. But that is that task of learning and becoming better.

I thank you all for reading thus far. This is so to speak the halfway point, the potty break, or halftime show. I will write again very soon to bring you all the second half, of which is already in the process of being written. This next one promises to be a bit more personal so I hope you look forward to reading it, as I look forward to your comments. I wish you all well where ever you are in life and hope to talk to you in some fashion soon!

One last thing before you go...I've met someone.

2 Responses to “”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Haha, nice cliffhanger! I'm glad that things are going so well and it was wonderful to talk to you the other night. I miss having our chats. I'll hopefully know by my spring break when I'll be in Europe. Take care!


  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Tag! Ich habe dies gern gelesen. Ich sehe deine Schwester, sie ist hier. Das ist alles, auf Deutsch.

    Section #1 - It's weird to think we were so geographically close on New Year's - I was in Rome.

    Section #4 - It just gives me more time to make enough money to come visit. I love to travel and definately want to hit up Germany sometime. I also would love to have Brian O'Niell be my excuse to make it to South Korea.

    Good to hear from you friend. I hope you figure everything out. My advice is to not worry about disappointing other people - just focus on what you love.

    Bis spaeter!

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About me

  • I'm Jason
  • From Marburg, Hessen, Germany
  • Living in Germany right now. Words can't express well or fast enough the experience I've had. I'm enjoying every minute of it (except the homework part). As far as personal info, you probably know me, so there's no need for useless junk you already know!
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