Hey guys. It's been about a month since I did a real update, something long. And so I decided it was time. Took me a few days to finish but hope you enjoy.
Things with me...
Semester has finally started. We started back on the 24th. I'm taking 4 classes right now: Pronunciation and text reading, German to English translation, short stories of the 20th century, and a grammar, vocabulary, and academic paper reading class (which I just started this week and is easily the hardest of the four). 3 of the 4 classes are completely in German, and while that sounds daunting which it is, it is much easier than when I first got here to listen and concentrate so strongly. Yes, it's still very challenging, but if anything, it's a motivating challenge to become better every day.
I just started also this week meeting with this girl for what is called an Uni-Tandem, where we meet wherever and speak German for half the time and English the rest. Quite a challenge and keeps your brain working, but it is very fun. She's studied English for quite a few years, starting in the functional equivalent of grade school, which really makes me question why we never teach our kids languages earlier on. I wish we did, because I know I will teach mine when they are young. Anyway, I think it's going to be a great way to improve my German even more, because unfortunately, I rarely have the oportunity to talk with someone, let alone for such a long time in both languages.
A little over three weeks ago, I went to Berlin. For those of you geographically inept or otherwise, Berlin is in the northeast corner of Germany (also the capital) and takes about 4 hours or so by train to arrive. It was really fun to be there. Um unfortunately it was too much like being in America. There was a Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, McDonalds (even though there is one here in Marburg also) and various other American businesses. Plus, being that it is such a big city, there are many Americans living there, and lots of English everywhere, in advertisements and from the people, and to be honest, I didn't like that. Parts were just too westernized.
Other things...
I enjoy eating with a knife and fork. Eating with just a fork feels weird now.
Thank God I can buy Scrubs over here. I bought the 2nd season before it was available in the States. How cool!
Just saw the new harry potter a few days ago, and is easily the best of 4.
I need to cut my hair soon, but the girls like it a little longer...yes, even over here.
I've never had to work so hard in school, as I have to here. But the payoff in the end will make it worth it.
Dreaming in German is a regular thing now. In fact, Kate Gillard was in one of these dreams speaking german, even though I know that she knows no german at all.
well, i think thats it. write me an email. i enjoy that and respond to them. post a comment. check out http://www.flickr.com/photos/jasonkelm/ for new pics.
das ist alles. tschüss Leute!