Life is...all the emotions, all the people you meet, all your regrets and all your dreams come true. This is my life is...well, my life's not boring. It's my experiences and the people that I come into contact with that make my life not boring. Enjoy!
"People say that what we're all seeking is a meaning in life. I don't think that's what we're really seeking. I think that what we're seeking is an experience in being alive..." ~Joseph Campbell


My God it's been a long time since I wrote here. Definately well past time to write.

Where to start first...

Ok, well first the boring stuff. School's going great. Things have become increasingly easier to understand and the ability to differentiate between what I understand and don't has become better too. I've noticed how much more I have to work at just listening and understanding people when we talk; I can't passively listen and catch things here and there. I always have to be paying attention, which needless to say is quite a task in itself. Out of all of my classes, I've enjoyed the translation class the most. So much in fact that over my semester break in February, I'm going to be doing a Christliche Dienst of translating applications from German to English. It should give me some good practice and help me decide if that is a possible career choice I'd be willing to pursue.

As far as jobs go, I feel like I'm in a difficult position. I'd like to do something with German, be it translation or teaching, but I know that I need more learning and just more time in the language. I mean, aside from the 5 months I've been here, I've only had 2 years in the Uni of German, which suffice it to say, that isn't enough. And I would really jump at the opportunity to stay here longer, because I've already learned so much in my short time here, but post-graduation that's going to be difficult without a paying job here. Once I graduate, loans have to begin to be paid. So if I want to stay here, I'd have to find a job that not only pays enough to live here, but also to make the payments on these loans. I'd heard that in Frankfurt (might have said this before) that they could use English teachers, so we'll see how that plays out.

Now for fun stuff...
About a month ago, at the end of November, we had the coolest event here at the house. It's called the Kleine Hausfest (small house party). All of the new residents had to come up with some sort of dinner theme, which ended up being Mexican (and lots of fun, some of you know the stories). It was really neat. But before we got to enjoy that, we did this sort of rush activity together, that the old residents put us through. Nothing horrible like you might imagine, but it was all outside, and cold, and there was snow, and my shoes suck in the snow. There's no grip. Anyway, we come to the end of their part and drink a little bit of something and all start dancing around in a circle. Little did we notice the hole above our head in the ceiling, which subsequently dropped freezing water on us. Damn, it was cold. But an awesome way I think to bring the old and new residents together. A real special time. Two hours later, we did our part for the old residents, the Mexican themed dinner and after-party, complete with everything you might think of when the word mexican comes to mind: chili, really warm (we made the room hotter than normal), cool music (which I had a fun time doing), pinata, tequila. The party went on into the night, and I went to bed at some strange hour. It was a real treat and highlight for me.

As the year has gone on, I've gotten to know a lot of people. Not exactly intimately which takes time, but nevertheless I've enjoyed spending time with people here. I've really gotten to know Christian and Dustin fairly well, whom I regularly do things with. It's been fun hanging out with them. I got to go to a football game with Christian. He got us some tickets and we went to a Frankfurt game, my first. It was awesome. We stood in the fan section, which was sort of like being at a Big 10 football game in the student section, but louder, drunker, and more into it. We sang a bunch of different songs that I didn't know, but I screamed along anyway. What was even more awesome, is that they won, to make that day something awesome. i was also honored recently to spend Christmas with his family and Dustin as well. We were there for about a week or so. I admit, I had some hesitancies. Sometimes, I get really uncomfortable in certain situations, normally when it involves families I don't really know well, so I had some initial angst about going. But I went, and not once did I feel that way. It was truly like being back home in a way. They were very hospitible and it was just overall an amazing time. I don't want to write about all of it, because frankly it would take a while, but needless to say, I enjoyed myself and it was something special that I will also not forget.

random things...
Silvester (new years) is tomorrow. no plans, but I'd love to take a train to berlin, freeze my ass off at the brandenburg gate for the day and ring in the new year properly. not sure that that will happen, but we'll see.

no girls yet. met quite a few. in fact, last week while I was at Christian's, we went to a party where I had to DECIDE to talk to one girl or another...wish I'd picked the other one now.haha. ill just be patient for the time being.

hair is long. probably will get it cut for our huge house party coming up in a month (which I'm also doing the music for and looking forward to).

I have blackmail video I've made in the past week. If you go to my flickr site and look at the pics, you can probably guess from where (hint: there are two).

OK, that abut wraps it up for now. Sorry I haven't written in so long. It's such a task to sit down and do all this stuff, when I have so many other things to do as well. Oh well, hope you all had great holidays and enjoy your breaks and New Years. Tschüss! (now on MYSPACE)

About me

  • I'm Jason
  • From Marburg, Hessen, Germany
  • Living in Germany right now. Words can't express well or fast enough the experience I've had. I'm enjoying every minute of it (except the homework part). As far as personal info, you probably know me, so there's no need for useless junk you already know!
  • My profile

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