i never cried when i left home to come here, but the thought of leaving here today almost brought me to tears. i need to stay. i hope you guys at home understand that, i miss you as well, but this has been my life here in germany for the last year. and im just not ready to come home or to leave this.
if any of you know of some good job opportunites coming up in july/august, let me know. im hoping to make around 2000$ in as short of time as possible so i can get back here. i need to be back here. my next couple years lies here, so i can eventually have the job as a translator, that Ive grown to want over the last year.
in case you forgot, i come back july 27...not much longer.
take care. will write about the world cup next time.
so i have a new title for my blog, in case you didnt notice: My life's not boring... cause its really not. despite the monotony sometimes, something always comes along and reminds we why my life is great at the moment. so here's a couple reasons why:
1. i live in a castle in another country
2. im learning/living another language
3. every day can be a challenge for me
4. im reading 4 books right now, when the usual is 2
5. i have people i can depend on and people i can talk to
6. ive discovered miles davis and john coltrane
i cut my hair too since the last time i wrote.

the girl that cut it did a good job, still maintains my rock mentality.
the fact that i have less than 2 months before i go home is overwhelming. it seems like i just got here. whatever happens after i get back, this will be the year ill never forget.
go listen to miles davis. i recommend "seven steps to heaven". after that or while you listen to him, go grab a book and some coffee and enjoy yourself. take care.