Life is...all the emotions, all the people you meet, all your regrets and all your dreams come true. This is my life is...well, my life's not boring. It's my experiences and the people that I come into contact with that make my life not boring. Enjoy!
"People say that what we're all seeking is a meaning in life. I don't think that's what we're really seeking. I think that what we're seeking is an experience in being alive..." ~Joseph Campbell


Hello all! It's been a while, I know. Things have been utterly crazy since Spring Break has been done. It seems like every week some paper or project or time consuming piece has not allowed me to have a break. But since all I have due tomorrow is a 6 pager, I figured now is a great time for an update. Here's an update from the Machine...

Things for Germany are moving along well. Just as a note, if you ever plan to study abroad and hate paperwork, it might not be for you. I can not believe how much paperwork there is, and how many people you involve when you do it. It's seriously ridiculous. As of right now, most of it is done thankfully. I only have a few more things that need to be turned in and that's all. I'll be glad when that part is over. But at the same time, the paperwork and everything else that I've had to invest up to now has been worth it. It's all a build up to what's to come, and I can't wait.

Awesome news the other day. I've been saving all that I can for this trip, and a few days ago I had talked to my dad about it, the ticket I need to buy, all that stuff. Well he talked to our travel agent (apparently we have one) and told me that him and my mom are going to pay for my round trip ticket! I was simply at a loss for words. I was not expecting this and...yeah, even now it's surprising. They've been so supportive through this whole thing. I will never be able to repay the support and help that they have given to me. I love'em!

School's wrapping up. I wish I had finals or something like a test, but instead I have no official meetings for any of my classes, just a crapload of things due by next week. The worst was definitely two nights ago. I was up until 4am working on all this German stuff I had to turn it that day. So after 2 and a half hours (that's right, woke up at 6.30 for a class) I became a walking nightmare until I got a 2 hour nap in later. So with that being the worst, everything else is a cakewalk from here on out.

Yeah my job...hmm. This is going to be a tough one to talk about without using a bunch of cuss words, so we'll see how it goes. You know what, I'm just gonna give ya the basics. We have a new store manager, she's 20, on a power trip, and we didn't get off on the right food. Do the math.

Back to something happier, thought I'd let you all know that I have a date picked for when I leave the states. July 27th is my last day in the US for a year (yes, literally one calendar year). But don't worry, I will still post online. There is a slight catch though. Because I want to work on my German as much as possible, once I am over there, all my posts will be in German. So you'll have to translate. :)

Just thought of one other thing. I will be in Michigan for July. I'm staying down here in Indiana and working for the next two months until then. It's going to be a crazy month but I would really like to hang out with you if you're from there while I'm around. I have one week where I'll be in Tennessee for Paul's wedding, and possibly the week after at camp (haven't decided on that one yet). But if you're around, we're hanging out!

I think that's about it. Once school's done, I will have a lot more time and motivation to update more. Hope all is well with you wherever you are. Shalom!


I'm going to hate myself in the morning, but I really need to write something other than an academic piece of crap. And besides it's been so long since I've written and so much has been going on in my life.

The biggest news is that I got accepted to the school in Marburg Germany (where I'll be spending the next year starting this July). I was very nervous about opening the packet because I didn't know if I was accepted or not. I literally waited about 5 minutes before I finally convinced myself they wouldn't send a thick rejection packet, so I opened and bliss came upon me. Since then, I've been doing some more paperwork, trying to get things in on time and whathaveyou. But it's all going smoothly and that's exciting.

Spring Break was nice. I didn't really do much. I worked a lot and hung out with Lizzy (a character in my story you don't know, but she's cool and fun). That pretty well sums it up. I did random things, like get Starbucks and eat out of a carton of Ben and Jerry's. The best part was that my spring break was probably cheaper than yours! HAhha....anyways. I wish I could have a few more of those weeks, because ever since school started back up, it's been a nightmare of papers and deadlines and overloads of work.

And this is mostly why I haven't written in a while. I've had so much work since break, it is ridiculous and I mean that to the fullest extent that you can comprehend. This is the least amount of hours I've taken in a semester and I've had to do the most work that I've ever had to do. Even now, I still have a paper and some German questions lingering after this post is finished, but I may just need to put them on hold because I'm simply exhausted right now. Well while this isn't a sufficient recall of what's happened in the last month, it'll do for now. UNtil next time...Shalom.

About me

  • I'm Jason
  • From Marburg, Hessen, Germany
  • Living in Germany right now. Words can't express well or fast enough the experience I've had. I'm enjoying every minute of it (except the homework part). As far as personal info, you probably know me, so there's no need for useless junk you already know!
  • My profile

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