Well I'm finally starting to feel normal again. After a few days of rest and some medicine, I'm feeling much better than I was a few days ago.
You know, when you say you're going to call someone back at a certain time, you'd think a reputable person would follow through. Well I'm getting kind of sick and tired of HH Gregg and their crap. After my interview, I'm told that I'd be called by last weekend. Never happened, and now it turns out the guy is not even there until Tuesday or Thursday. Then I call Tuesday and I'm told I'll be called back yesterday. Nope not then either. And I'm told I'll be called to day, which has yet to happen. I called today and I'm told, wait until Tuesday. I'm getting sick of this crap. I'm honestly about ready to say "screw it" and go back to Michigan.
Well aside from my job-hunting frustrations, I'm doing better. I'll be up in Michigan again soon. June 12, and probably the day before and after that, for my sister's grad party. So gimme a call, visit me, whatever. See ya later.
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