Life is...all the emotions, all the people you meet, all your regrets and all your dreams come true. This is my life is...well, my life's not boring. It's my experiences and the people that I come into contact with that make my life not boring. Enjoy!
"People say that what we're all seeking is a meaning in life. I don't think that's what we're really seeking. I think that what we're seeking is an experience in being alive..." ~Joseph Campbell


Hey folks. This is actually the third time I've tried to write this thing so finally I'm at a real keyboard that hopefully won't delete my stuff here. Anyways I just wanted to have some reflection time, be real honest about the stuff that's been going on with me lately, mainly having to do with me and Jen. I didn't want to write something prematurely or emotionally, as I would probably regret it later. So here it is...after the fact.

As you know me and Jen went on a date last Saturday. It was great. Up to this point we had already talked about dating and decided to stick to just being friends. Well I was feeling like things were moving in the direction of becoming more than friends. So we talked about it on the date, and to some disappointment Jen still felt we should be friends. But there were things about that date that still made me think she was feeling otherwise. So I left the date and that night feeling that things would eventually go in the "relationship" direction.

This week was Campmeeting, when a bunch of people come for the week and stay. It was busy and while everyone was rushing around doing their things, something felt different, like with me and Jen. It felt distant, odd between us. She didn't seem like her usual happy cheery self. And it was odd. She didn't smile as much, at least not to me. Her smile as you'll remember is probably my favorite feature about her. She never came down to the waterfront when I was bored with lifeguarding (by the way, I saved someone this week, but it was no big deal). Maybe I shouldn't have felt weird about it, but I did. I felt like I was getting mixed signals from her, like she was blowing me off this week on purpose.

We finally got to talk a few days ago. I needed some questions answered because I was just feeling so confused. First I think she likes me and wants to date me, then I'm not so sure. So we strolled down the road and talked. And it was good and a disappointment. I told her how I felt blown off and distant from her, and she admitted she hadn't really taken the chance to talk. She told me much more in depth why she thought we shouldn't date right now, with me going to school and the fear of communication not being as good between us, not being ready for a relationship and just feeling confused about her own path. So while it was a disappointment and yes it hurts a little, I'm glad that we are still friends and are able to talk about it so openly. While we may not be dating now, neither of us discount a relationship as out of the realm of possibilities. But it is hard to just "pack up" your heart like that and move on. But perhaps God's got something else planned.

I've been reading Wild at Heart by John Eldridge this whole week. And I've had to face a lot of things about myself that I never stopped to think about, and some realities that are going to change. I fail when it comes to doing relationships the right way. When I get into one, all my attention goes to her. All my plans, ideas are dropped for this woman that I desire. "[A man] needs a mission, a life purpose, and he needs to know his name. Only then is he fit for a woman, for only then does he have something to invite her into." I don't think I've truly felt validated as a man, who I am and what my identity is. So often what I would do is make the woman my adventure that I sought after to conquer and from her my identity would come. But this is all wrong. "Until a man knows he's a man he will forever be trying to prove he is one, while at the same time shrink from anything that might reveal he is not." See the problems is while "femininity can arouse masculinity", it can never bestow it. In fact, what I have learned is that God will hurt us, take away those things dearest to us in order to heal us. Perhaps that is what he is doing here, and I think it an odd coincodence all these things happened as such. But healing is happening and I am daily trying to become a more dangerous, free, wild man after God's heart who will fight for his beauty and take her into his own adventure and make her a part of it. That is what I really want to do, that's my deepest desire.

We'll I didn't expect to write so much but I suppose I knew it would be long. So I hope you all are doing well, reading up and enjoying your summer. School's staring soon and with that, my final year at Anderson and my ushering into the real world. By the way, I want to mention real quick, if you've been wondering what I want to do once I graduate. I have a couple of ideas. Camp administrator is obviously still a possibility. Have also thought about being a Bible teacher. I think the world needs less boring ones and I hope to help that. Thirdly, and this is a recent thought, I've tossed around the idea of being a Navy chaplain. I know, it's random but I got an email the other day and thought I'd check it out so I'm hoping to get some more information soon about that. Well anyways, this building is hot and I'm about spent with typing so have a great night and hopefully I'll see you soon!


Hey there folks. Well here is a more full update with what has happened in the last few days. Bear with me cause this might be a long one...

Firstly, the date.
I had plans to drive us down to New Buffalo, so we could get away and enjoy some good eats at Redamak's. So as we neared the Bridgman exit I noticed some noises coming from my truck that concerned me enough to decide to drive home and get a different vehicle. I didn't know what the problem was. But as I got to the end of the exit, the truck just shut off, poof. I pushed it off to the side of the road while Jen tried steering it with no power steering and only my pushes to move it. I tried to start it. No avail. When it would begin to turn over, black smoke would come out the tailpipe. To make a long story short, the folks came and got us and we were on our way (I'll come back to the truck later). So we got there and ordered our food, which we ended getting to go and taking it to Warren Dunes. It was too late for the sunset but the skyline was still very pretty. So we ate and talked. Talked a lot about us. So we hung out there an hour after the park was officially "closed". I had a great time and I think she did too.

Back to the truck...
So it got towed home. And dad looked at it. I killed the engine, yup. So $2500 later, it will run again. Needless to say, this was the most expensive date I've ever been on.

Wow I guess it's not as long as I thought it would be. Yes I left some details out and you can probably guess where, but I'll just leave that to your imagination. So yeah, that's about it. Later.


Hey there everybody!
This will be a short post cause I'm dead right now but I just want to let you guys know a couple of things that are going on with me right now and I'll go into more depth about them in the next post.
My truck is "resting". Let's just leave it at that.
Me and Jen went on a date Saturday and that was very fun, and coincidentally the same day my truck decided to take a "nap".  Went to Warren Dunes and ate our food and stayed an hour after the park closed.
And honestly I'm just stressed a lot with many things going on right now (to the point of wanting to throw up) so if you would pray for me and all this great stuff I'd appreciate it. Later.


Hey everyone! It's been almost a month since I last wrote and I have just been so busy that this is the first time I've had to sit down and write!

I'm enjoying all the sun and good times as a lifeguard out here at Warner Camp. Besides being tired from all the sun at the end of the day, the job is really easy and not bad at all. I'm finally getting tan which is good, because a pale lifeguard is sick to look at!

About 2 weekends ago I went down to Tennessee for a wedding. My freshman year roommate Ben and his now wife Andrea got married. It was such a good time. I stayed at her cousin's house with a bunch of guys from my freshman year floor. It was a lot of fun getting to see them all again and hang out. And also Tennessee is so gorgeous in the mornings, with its misted-over valleys and great scenery. It was about a 10 hour trip which was very trying but I'd have to say the trip back was easiest. All in all it was just great to be there. Although it was a bummer to not have Jen there with me. Speaking of...

Jen came home with me last Saturday to meet my parents. It was such a fun time. They cooked us dinner which was so good. We were going to go see St. Joe's fireworks but it got rained out. But I'm glad that happened because we ended up going to Starbucks and bringing it back home, and playing mom and dad at a few hands of euchre. That was the best. Everyone was more social and she got to see how my family really is. She had a really good time and enjoyed the family. She thinks my dad is just so funny. Wonder where I got it from. Anyways, that was probably one of the best days of my life in a long time.
Things with me and Jen are awesome. No we aren't dating yet, but we are on the same page as far as that is concerned, just taking a day at a time and not rushing things. But I think should we start dating (and I think we eventually will) it will be a long and great relationship with this girl that is so much like me and I enjoy being around. If only you could meet her, you'd see why I think so highly of her.
Well that is about it. I just wanted to update everyone on what's going on. I'll try and be more regular with this thing if time permits me. Well enjoy your July hot days!

About me

  • I'm Jason
  • From Marburg, Hessen, Germany
  • Living in Germany right now. Words can't express well or fast enough the experience I've had. I'm enjoying every minute of it (except the homework part). As far as personal info, you probably know me, so there's no need for useless junk you already know!
  • My profile

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