Life is...all the emotions, all the people you meet, all your regrets and all your dreams come true. This is my life is...well, my life's not boring. It's my experiences and the people that I come into contact with that make my life not boring. Enjoy!
"People say that what we're all seeking is a meaning in life. I don't think that's what we're really seeking. I think that what we're seeking is an experience in being alive..." ~Joseph Campbell


Hey there! It's been about a week or so and this was the first chance I had to sit down and really let you guys know what's been goin on with Jason.

The first week of camp/lifeguarding went really well. As much as I loved being a counselor, it felt so much like this job was more suited towards my likes. I get to have alone time, working most of the time by myself which is very peaceful beside the lake. I also get to float around, talking and joking with a bunch of different kids and not feeling "tied down" to one group, which was very fun during meals and while cannoeing. There is another small camp, a Dad and Me camp which is tomorrow so I'll be staying the weekend here. All in all, it was a great week. Plus, despite many peoples' beliefs, I'm starting to tan. And you thought my skin couldn't take it!

This week was also great for another reason. Me and Jen finally had a talk, THE talk. I basically admitted I liked her, and that honestly part of me was afraid to tell her or start anything because of hurts from the past. But it was a relief to find out she felt the same way about me. But we are both interested in the same thing for now, and that is working on our friendship first, which is something both of us have neglected in past relationships. So I'm feeling that whatever happens, this is going to be the start of a great relationship.

Well that is about all the big important news I have for ya. Hope you all have a great weekend, and I'll write to ya hopefully very soon. From the sunny backtown of Warner Camp, see ya!


Hey there folks! Today is my sister's graduation party and that has taken up most of the day. People are still here but most have left so I thought I'd drop you all a line, letting you know what's goin on.
I'm working at Warner (which I think I said last time) as a lifeguard, which will be lots of fun. We set up the camp, getting it ready for this coming week. 3rd and 4th graders are coming so that will be nerve racking. They have the worst memory about taking their tags off the buddy board so either a kid is out of the lake doing something else, or drowning at the bottom. Scary stuff for sure, but I think once that is done the other camps won't be as nerve racking.
I'm in town until Sunday, when I go back to camp. So from Stevensville, I'll see ya.


Well my friends, here is my life update: the job hunt is officially over and yesterday was definitely the craziest and most unpredictable that I've had in a while.
I woke up twice, once at 7 because my room was so cold, and then around 10 to get ready for church. After I showered and was shaving, I was thinking to myself, "Jason, you need to go to your sister's graduation". I hadn't intended to go up to Michigan for the graduation ceremony, as I was going to be there for her graduation party. But I thought, "no, you're going to regret it if you don't go" and since I live my life with no regrets, I called my dad to let him know I was coming and took off. Thankfully the time difference helped me. I got up there in time and got to see my baby sister graduate from high school and grow up into life. I'm glad I went.
As I'm walking amongst the crowd, I think to call Doc, the camp administrator at Warner. The last I knew from him, he didn't have his staff completely set as far as lifeguards went. So he said he'd call me that afternoon whether I had the job or not. Well I waited around, hung out with the fam. Dad made ribs (my favorite food that he makes the best) and shared a beer with him, which was cool. So after a while, I decided to just drive up there. And to make a long story short, I got the job. So here I am in Anderson, my last night sleeping here for a while, preparing to spend my 4th consecutive summer at Warner Camp.
I feel two things: sadness and excitement. I'm sad because I'm leaving my good friend and roommate Jon Kline. He's the man by the way so come visit him here in Anderson. I feel like I'm abandoning him, but he assured me he doesn't feel that way. Gonna miss the late night talks about girls and guitars. But I'm also excited because now I have a job and Jen is going to be working there as well, so I will get to spend a ton of time with her.
So as I finish up this entry, I want to leave you with this quote from Matt Wertz:
"Never been much good on my own
So I'm tryin' to find somebody else
Never been good at findin' much except
Loneliness all by myself
Spottin' you ain't been easy
I could use one hint maybe two
Cause I got this spot right beside me baby
Waiting here just for you"

From Anderson to you, I'll catch ya later.


I've been reading through some of my friends' blogs and I've realized how surfacey and almost fake (not quite) all my writings have been. They all talk about their feelings, how they really are. I haven't done that, until now. Starting today, these entries will take a different turn. I'll still let you know how things in my life are going, but I think from now on, I'm going to write more about how I'm really feeling. It's time for the mask to fall...
I feel like crap right now. As I've been telling you, my job hunting has just gone no where. I feel like I am wasting my days, doing nothing everyday. To me, it doesn't matter if the next day comes because it's going to be the same boring re-run of the day before. Nothing's changed, it's all the same. I wake up, sit around or call about a job or go out looking for a job, come back home, eat, sit around some more, call someone maybe, and then 2am rolls around and I go to sleep. It's my routine, if you can call it that. I don't know, I feel like I'm wasting time. I can't say I've done one productive thing since school ended. I was planning on continuing to study my German and I haven't done that. I wanted to write more, and aside from my entries here, I haven't done so. I play the guitar every now and then. My days are just a waste of time.
To top it all off, or just add to it, today has just been one of the most confusing and strange days. I had this dream last night, and while I won't go into detail about it, it really bothered me. Here's why: I've had dreams before, woken up from those dreams, and later they actually happened. I can't explain it, nor will I try to, but the reason this dream bothers me so, is because it has to do with my future marriage. And in the dream, after a special bonding moment, I have this feeling, as if I've just made a very wrong decision in marrying this person. I can't explain why this dream happened, just like you can never understand sometimes why you have dreams that you've had. It just bothered me a lot and this is definitely the first time a dream has bothered me and been on my mind for this long of time. It scared me, because I want to be content with who I marry, not get married and then discover I've ruined two lives. I cherish the sanctity of marriage and love and being loyal, and that's what I want my marriage to be about. I don't know where else I'm going with this, it's just been something on my mind today.
With that, the job frustrations and getting over a cold, it's just been a hard few days. If you know me, you know how much I value my mind, being clear, understanding people and myself. I haven't felt clear lately. I feel lost, wandering. I'm not searching for something, I just feel aimless. I don't feel it's from lack of purpose or anything. Maybe I just need some regularity in my life again...


Let's see here...I went to Muncie today to look for more job opportunities. I'd been looking around Anderson this whole and when talking to Jen last night, she suggested I go look other places, which I hadn't really considered. So I went today and applied at Best Buy and Pizza Hut (for a manager position). If ya don't know, that's about 20 or so minutes from Anderson, and right now, I'm willing to do just about anything for a job!
If you're wondering or not privy to this info, things with Jen are going quite well, real well actually. I don't know what it is, I just feel good around her. I don't feel pressure to say anything if we have a moment of silence or something, she's so laid back and yes, has a great smile.
Also, I was tossing around the idea earlier about going to Cornerstone, and as much as it hurts to type this, I don't think I'm going to be able to go this year, simply because bills and other things are demanding my money and it would stretch me way too far. This sucks for a few reasons: Jen is going, I won't be able to see Blindside, Skillet, POD, or Pillar play any of their new stuff, and Jen is going. So yeah that sucks.
Well, sorry this is about it. I started taking some more meds so I'd get all the way better so my mind is kinda like whoa right now. well that's all. later y'all.


Well I'm finally starting to feel normal again. After a few days of rest and some medicine, I'm feeling much better than I was a few days ago.
You know, when you say you're going to call someone back at a certain time, you'd think a reputable person would follow through. Well I'm getting kind of sick and tired of HH Gregg and their crap. After my interview, I'm told that I'd be called by last weekend. Never happened, and now it turns out the guy is not even there until Tuesday or Thursday. Then I call Tuesday and I'm told I'll be called back yesterday. Nope not then either. And I'm told I'll be called to day, which has yet to happen. I called today and I'm told, wait until Tuesday. I'm getting sick of this crap. I'm honestly about ready to say "screw it" and go back to Michigan.
Well aside from my job-hunting frustrations, I'm doing better. I'll be up in Michigan again soon. June 12, and probably the day before and after that, for my sister's grad party. So gimme a call, visit me, whatever. See ya later.


I'm still sitting here, so I thought I'd write something that hopefully will spark some interest in what I like. It seems like my best ideas come late at night.
As some of you know, one of my goals in life is to write a book. Well I've kind of been doing that. I don't have a specific topic of interest or a theme the book will circle around.
Here's a small list of some of the topics I've felt I will write about:
My church versus your church, the effects of denomitionalism
Don't sweat the small stuff (and other things Christians complain about that bugs the crap out of me)
Maybe I don't have it right, learning doesn't end with your degree
Are you being spoon-fed every Sunday?
Who inspires you?


I thought I'd throw in another post since the last one was me ina bad mood. This is me from a few weeks ago, one not sick or upset that he left his keys up in Michigan! I had this conversation not too long ago with a friend of mine over IM and I thought I'd share these words I shared with her.

My 5 rules of dating (for guys)
1. Be assertive, you're the man in the relationship, so freakin act like it! Women like a man with some confidence

2. Treating a woman anything less than the treasure she is, is not being true to what a man of God is

3. This is a mutual effort, if it's a healthy one, both sides contribute to it and make it fruitful. A one-person effort is worse than being single. It's being single with an emotional weight tied to your neck

4. Never, ever sell yourself short of what you want in a person. If someone doesn't offer you all that you need, but is really hot, get it together! Looks fade! It's that character that's gonna keep you happy to wake up to every morning

5. Relationships are an investment. What kind of interest are you giving and receiving? Is the relationship more of a savings account, or a credit card?

its easy to say all those things, maintaining them is the test of whether you mean it or not...
Make sure you post your comments and things after these wonderful articles! Makes me happy to know people actually read these things!


I feel kind of crappy right now cause I've gotten sick from my sister when I last went home. No, Amy I don't hate you :) Anyways, me and Jonny went up to Warner Camp Sunday, and came back today. Although I've been fighting this nasal congestion and sneezing, a nice visit awaited me. Yes, Jen came and was there as well. If you're not familiar with the area, She only lives a few minutes away. As always it is nice to see her and her lovely smile. (btw, if you haven't figured out, that's my favorite feature in a girl).
So, after pizza, cards, and relaxing, we left today, evading the nasty storms that have been hitting the north lately.
And much to my dismay, after enjoying the last few hours, I forget my keys up at camp, which if you didn't know is 3 and a half hours away. I just hope HH Gregg doesn't expect me to drop what I'm doing and go in tomorrow. That could be bad.
Well despite my unfortunate circumstances, it's been a good couple of days. So until I get better, later!

About me

  • I'm Jason
  • From Marburg, Hessen, Germany
  • Living in Germany right now. Words can't express well or fast enough the experience I've had. I'm enjoying every minute of it (except the homework part). As far as personal info, you probably know me, so there's no need for useless junk you already know!
  • My profile

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